Kamis, 22 Desember 2022



Oleh : Durratus Sa’diyah

CGP Angkatan 7 Kota Semarang, SD Negeri Ngijo 01

A. Latar Belakang

Guru memiliki peran penting dalam menuntun, membimbing, dan memfasilitasi kebutuhan belajar murid agar bertumbuh dan kembang menjadi manusia yang selamat dan bahagia dalam hidupnya. Tentunya dalam meraih tujuan mengoptimalkan student wellbeing berdasarkan filosofi pendidikan nasional Ki Hajar Dewantara, pendidikan budi pekerti amat penting diimplementasikan dalam pembelajaran dan budaya sekolah.

Pada kurikulum merdeka, kita mengenal visi murid masa depan, Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Profil Pelajar Pancasila mempersiapkan penerus bangsa yang siap menghadapi perkembangan zaman tanpa meninggalkan sosio-kultural bangsa. Seyogyanya, guru harus dapat mengembangkan dimensi Profil Pelajar Pancasila ini di dalam diri murid. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan di sekolah adalah dengan menciptakan budaya positif di sekolah. Dengan diterapkannya budaya positif tersebut, murid diharapkan memiliki karakter yang baik sesuai dengan karakter dalam Profil Pelajar Pancasila.

Rencana aksi nyata yang akan saya lakukan untuk mewujudkan Profil Pelajar Pancasila yaitu menyusun keyakinan kelas dan mendiseminasikan budaya positif kepada rekan sejawat. Konsep-konsep inti dalam modul ini begitu membuka pandangan yang tentunya akan sangat bermanfaat bagi sekolah.

B. Deskripsi Aksi Nyata

Diseminasi aksi nyata dilaksanakan pada perwakilan guru SD Negeri Ngijo 01, SD Negeri Ngijo 02, SD Negeri Kalisegoro, SD Negeri Patemon 01, dan SD Negeri Patemon 02 yang mana merupakan SD Gugus Dewi Kunthi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di ruang kelas I SD Negeri Ngijo 01 dan dihadiri 13 guru.

Kegiatan diseminasi modul Budaya Positif ini berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai yang diharapkan di mana kegiatan dimulai pukul 08.00 hingga selesai. Kegiatan dimulai dengan doa bersama dan dilanjutkan dengan acara inti. Pada acara inti, kami membahas tentang beberapa konsep budaya positif. Yaitu, disiplin positif, teori motivasi perilaku, teori kebutuhan dasar, teori lima posisi kontrol, hukuman vs konsekuensi vs restitusi, segitiga restitusi, dan keyakinan kelas. Materi sengaja kami sederhanakan untuk mempermudah dalam pemahaman. Meskipun begitu, inti sari materi tetap disampaikan dan dipahamkan kepada audiens.

Disiplin Positif.

Konsep disiplin positif yang merupakan unsur utama dalam terwujudnya budaya positif. Ki Hajar Dewantara menyatakan bahwa disiplin positif merupakan kemampuan individu dalam mengontrol diri, dan menguasai diri untuk memilih tindakan yang mengacu pada nilai-nilai yang kita hargai agar tercapai tujuan mulia yang diinginkan. Seseorang yang memiliki disiplin diri bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang dilakukannya karena mereka mendasarkan tindakan mereka pada nilai-nilai kebajikan universal. Sudah sepatutnya, tugas guru menumbuhkembangkan disiplin diri secara positif pada murid.

Motivasi Perilaku Manusia

Setiap tindakan yang kita lakukan pasti terdapat dorongan atau motivasi yang mengiringi baik secara sadar maupun tidak. Menurut Diane Gossen, ada tiga motivasi perilaku manusia: (1) Untuk menghindari ketidaknyamanan atau hukuman. (2) Untuk mendapatkan imbalan atau penghargaan dari orang lain. (3) Untuk menjadi orang yang mereka inginkan dan menghargai diri sendiri dengan nilai-nilai yang mereka percaya. Motivasi pertama dan kedua termasuk dalam motivasi ekstrinsik, sedangkan motivasi ketiga termasuk dalam motivasi instrinsik. Tugas guru membimbing murid dalam menumbuhkan motivasi jenis ketiga ini meskipun membutuhkan proses yang panjang dan tidak mudah.

Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia

Terdapat lima kebutuhan dasar manusia menurut Dr. William Glasser dalam “Choice Theory”. Kebutuhan tersebut yaitu bertahan hidup, kasih sayang dan rasa diterima, penguasaan, kesenangan, dan kebebasan. Dengan memahami kebutuhan dasar yang ingin dipenuhi dibalik tindakan murid, guru akan lebih mudah memahami dan mengantarkan murid untuk merefleksikan dirinya dalam menyelesaikan masalah.


Posisi Kontrol Guru

Berdasarkan pada teori Kontrol Dr. William Glasser, ada 5 posisi kontrol yang diterapkan seorang guru, orang tua ataupun atasan dalam melakukan kontrol. Kelima posisi kontrol tersebut adalah Penghukum, Pembuat Rasa Bersalah, Teman, Pemantau dan Manajer. Kelima posisi kontrol tersebut sangat berpengaruh pada pembentukan karakter murid di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, sebagai guru, kita harus memahami akan lima posisi kontrol tersebut dan berupaya untuk mengambil posisi kontrol terbaik dalam menerapkan budaya positif, yaitu sebagai manajer.

Hukuman vs Konsekuensi vs Restitusi

Acap kali  kita mendengar istilah-istilah di atas terkait pendisiplinan murid. Hukuman sering kali berkaitan dengan sesuatu yang menyakitkan yang harus terjadi baik secara fisik maupun psikis. Hukuman dapat membentuk identitas gagal pada murid. Konsekuensi biasa dikaitkan dengan sesuatu harus terjadi karena murid melanggar suatu aturan. Pada jangka pendek, konsekuensi dapat membentuk identitas murid yang berhasil. Namun demikian, guru harus selalu memonitor pendisiplinan ini. Restitusi merupakan suatu pilihan di mana murid berusaha menyelesaikan permasalahan secara bertanggung jawab. Restitusi menguatkan nilai pada murid, mendorong disiplin positif, dan menguatkan konsep diri murid.


Segitiga Restitusi

Restitusi adalah sebuah pendekatan untuk menciptakan disiplin positif melalui proses kolaboratif yang mengajarkan murid untuk mencari solusi untuk masalah, dan membantu murid berpikir tentang orang seperti apa yang mereka inginkan, dan bagaimana mereka harus memperlakukan orang lain.

 Terdapat tiga sisi segitiga restitusi yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam membimbing murid menyelesaikan masalah. Yaitu: (1) Menstabilkan Identitas Stabilize the Identity” bahwa kita semua akan melakukan hal terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan”. (2) Validasi Tindakan yang Salah, “ Semua perilaku memiliki alasan. (3) Menanyakan Keyakinan,” Kita semua memiliki motivasi instrinsik dan nilai yang kita yakini.

Keyakinan Kelas

Keyakinan kelas merupakan nilai-nilai kebajikan universal yang disepakati bersama dengan murid di kelas terlepas dari latar belakang suku, negara, bahasa maupun agama yang dipegang/diyakini seseorang. Keyakinan disusun berdasarkan kesepakatan kelas sebagai salah satu upaya penting untuk terbentuknya budaya positif.

Terdapat pertanyaan dari Ibu Indah Nursyafaah dari SD Negeri Patemon 01 tentang posisi kontrol apa yang ideal dilaksanakan guru dalam membentuk disiplin positif murid. Secara singkat, kami memaparkan akan posisi kontrol yang kebermanfaatannya pada murid dirasakan seumur hidupnya yaitu posisi manajer. Ketika kita mengambil posisi ini, murid didukung untuk berpikir kritis, menguatkan nilai dalam diri, dan menyelesaikan masalahnya.


C. Hasil dari Aksi Nyata yang dilakukan

          Beberapa hasil dari aksi nyata yang diperoleh adalah bertambahnya wawasan akan mengembangkan budaya positif di sekolah, cara menerapkan restitusi dalam pendisiplinan murid, dan membuat keyakinan kelas.

D. Pembelajaran yang Didapat dari Pelaksanaan

Pembelajaran yang didapatkan dari pelaksanaan kegiatan diseminasi Budaya Positif dengan audiens rekan sejawat, yaitu sebenarnya hampir dari kami semua telah melaksanakan restitusi meskipun awalnya kami tidak mengetahui teori ini. Hanya saja, restitusi yang kami jalankan hanya sisi pertama yaitu menstabilkan identitas dan tahap 2 yaitu menvalidasi kesalahan. Selain itu, kami juga telah menyusun aturan kelas bersama dengan murid dan menyepakatinya. Sehingga, kami hanya harus mengulas lagi aturan kelas ini bersama dan meningkatkannya menjadi keyakinan kelas sebagai wujud nilai yang kami idamkan.

E. Respon

Bapak Immanuel Nugroho Puji Hartono, S.Pd dari SD Negeri Kalisegoro menyatakan bahwa beliau sangat berterima kasih akan ilmu baru yang telah dibagikan. Dalam kesempatan ini, beliau belajar akan restitusi di mana membentuk disiplin positif anak dan menguatkan karakter anak menjadi lebih baik lagi.

F. Rencana Perbaikan untuk Implementasi ke Depan

Rencana perbaikan untuk implementasi di masa depan yaitu melakukan pemantauan, merefleksi dan mengevaluasi keyakinan kelas yang telah dibuat dan penerapannya secara berkala. Selain itu, saling berbagi penerapan praktik restitusi yang telah dilakukan untuk menjadi semangat dalam memberikan yang terbaik untuk murid.

G. Dokumentasi Pelaksanaan Diseminasi

Dokumentasi kegiatan berupa video dapat disaksikan pada tautan berikut ini:




Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012


Durratus Sa'diyah 2201409087

The Effectiveness in using WEBQUEST in teaching and learning process

1. Introduction
The development of Information and Technology in language learning has been assumed as a promising tip in teaching and learning process. Especially in second language acquisition domain, in the previous related study, Crystal (1987) in Gunduz adds that micro computers used as word processors complement the audio facilities, enabling the interactive teaching of all four language skills reading, listening, speaking and writing. Furthermore, Hartoyo (2012) states that a number of research studies indicated that the use of ICT to enhance language learning greatly promotes the learning effectiveness and helps students as well as teachers improve their ICT literacy.
Today, there are so many software and application that enhance language learning and teaching process. One of internet-based teaching strategy gaining in popularity is the WebQuest, an inquirybased learning activity (Dodge, 1997). Seeing the benefits of incorporating WebQuests into instruction, hundreds of schools, school districts, and universities have online collections of well-writtenWebQuests.
Many teachers have been using WebQuests in the classroom for several years. They have enjoyed its practicality and quality. However, Maddux and Cummings (2004: 525) in Abbit and Ophus described WebQuests as “an innovation at risk of suffering the fate of all educational fads” that is highly praised initially, widely implemented without support of research and evaluation, and then abandoned when they fail to live up to their initial promise. Though these authors acknowledge the connection of WebQuests with learning and developmental theory, they questioned the implementation of the WebQuest strategy without regard to the discipline and/or age level of the students with which the activity is used. This discussion has been recently continued by Maddux and Cummings (2007) to examine the age appropriateness of the WebQuest concept and the lack of focus on the learner in the development phase of the activity. This contrary should be investigated and observed more so the teachers as the main users of WebQuest can trim down the weaknesses and adjust it to their class better.

2. Objectives
Based on the reasons above, the purpose of this essay is to know whether it is effective or not to usage WebQuest in language learning activity and how to enhance the effectiveness in using Webquest.

3. Review of Related Literature
We have to become conscious that in this 21st century as well as technology develops greatly, the need of better methods that integrating this technology in education is a must. Hartoyo (2012:1) states that
The use of ICT in education, including language teaching and learning, is a positive respond to the development of the information and communication technology in the third millennium. Moreover, the use of ICT in supporting is a must, not only to improve the effectiveness and quality of education, but importantly to enhance the mastery of ICT for teacher and student as a life skill in the era of rapidly changing and progressing technology.

Technology is changing the way we think about and teach language. Walker (1999) in Grisham predicts that the widespread use of information technology will change our expectations of what the educated person must know and be able to do in order to effectively participate in society. One of the internet-based technologies is the usage of WebQuest.
A WebQuest is an inquiry-based technology activity designed by Bernie Dodge and Tom March at San Diego State University in 1995. Dodge and March describe WebQuests as activities in which most, or all, of the information used by learners is drawn from the Web. Over the past decade, WebQuests gained popularity among teachers at all grade levels. Johnson (2005) in Gale adds up that teachers like WebQuests since their design is based on a constructivist philosophy and because cooperative learning and scaffolding of instruction are two of its essential components. The design of the WebQuest provides the necessary scaffolds, since resource links typically are included within the WebQuest. In all, WebQuests are a wonderful instructional method through which teachers can build technology-rich activities while fostering cooperative learning and motivating to both teachers and students, they add spice to a lesson and direct a more responsible use of the Internet.
Teachers who design or use WebQuests possibly to emphasize higher level Bloom's Taxonomy tasks, such as focusing on using information at the levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The teacher serves as the facilitator, or guide, when students complete WebQuest activities. Dodge (2001:13) devises a set of general guiding principles for creating a well-developed webquest; FOCUS. The following acronym helps to explain these principles:
• Find great sites
• Orchestrate learners and resources
• Challenge learners to think
• Use the medium
- Scaffold high expectations’.
While for the activity, In Wikipedia WebQuest activity is divided into several sections, including: (a) Introduction, (b) Task, (c) Process, (d) Resources (e) Evaluation, and (f) Conclusion. The original paper on WebQuests had a component called guidance instead of evaluation. In introduction, it provides background information and knowledge also gives meaning to exercise. The introduction has to be as motivating as could be to attract the students. In the second section, we find task. It is simply a formal description of what students will produce in the WebQuest. Creating the task is the most difficult part in developing a WebQuest. In process, the third section, students should take to accomplish the task. In the resources, it identifies and describes the resources the students should use. Providing these helps focus the exercise on processing information rather than just locating it. We come in evaluation part that provides the way in which students’ performance will be evaluated. The assessment should be standardized and clear. In the last, in conclusion part, time set aside for reflection and discussion of possible extension.
Those integrating sections are supposed to fulfill the need of the students. With the teacher as guide and facilitator, WebQuest activities tends to be more convincing, interesting and motivating activities to students. However, we should consider its effectiveness in the learning and teaching process so that it can support the learning and teaching process itself.

4. Analysis
WebQuest could be more accurately described as a technology-supported activity that may support structured inquiry and, in some cases, a higher cognitive level than some traditional activities. So, if it is compared with the traditional method, we can find some its effectiveness especially in students’ point of view.
March (1998) suggested that WebQuests promote student motivation and authenticity, develop thinking skills, and encourage cooperative learning, WebQuests increase student motivation by providing an essential question, real-life resources with which to work, and opportunities to work in cooperative groups. WebQuests, by their very nature, encourage the development of thinking skills. The assigned task requires students to “transform information into something else: a cluster that maps out the major issues, a comparison, a hypothesis, a solution, etc.” (March: 1998: 2). In addition, WebQuests encourage cooperative learning among students. Because WebQuest tasks are often complex or involve controversial topics, students work in groups to complete tasks.
Basically, we could say that there is a very positive attitude towards the integration of WebQuests into the classroom. The main point is the usage of authentic material. It is concluded that the use of authentic material really influences on student motivation. The designing of WeQuest also has impact in the students understanding. The activity that separates into several sections also makes the students easier to comprehend the material. the task that a webquest outlines for students to complete is truly the key component to achieve an effective webquest. That is because it clearly describes the activity that the students will undertake and gives them some direction on how to complete the activity.

5. Summary and recommendation
As the technology develop more greatly and influentially. The implementation of this toward education world is really needed. Technology has to support the learning and teaching process.
Among many Web-based applications in education, WebQuests have become popular learning tool. The WebQuest approach as one of the e-learning method uses internet resources as an essential and integral, component of the learning method. It engages students in information processing and collaboration
WebQuest as internet-based technology has a very positive attitude towards the integration of WebQuests into the classroom. It helps the students with the integrated and attractive method in mastering the material. If we can say so, it is proven that in some cases, it is really effective on motivating the students.
In the years since it has been introduced (1995), the WebQuest strategy has seen little evolution while at the same time being applied to a wide variety on instructional situations. In contrast, the availability of resources on the Internet as well as the common Internet-based activities has seen dramatic growth and innovation. For the reason, WebQuest might be more develop with some features that more creative and promising.
As the teachers who design WebQuest are supposed to integrate the cultural aspects in the designing, so that the children are not only get the knowledge but also can implicate the character building of the students.

Abbit, J., & Ophus, J. 2008. What we know about the Impacts of Web-Quests: A review of research. AACE Journal, 16(4),441-456.
Dodge, B. 2001. "FOCUS: Five rules for writing a great WebQuest".http://www.webquest.futuro.usp.br/artigos/textos_outros-bernie1.html
____________ .1997. Some thoughts about webquests (accessed 8/13/04) http://www.edweb.sdsu.edu/people/bdodge/Professional.html.
Hartoyo.2012. ICT in Language Learning. Semarang: Pelita Insani Semarang.
Hassanien, Ahmed. ND. Using Webquest to Support Learning with Technology in Higher Education Vol. 5, No. 1. ISSN: 1473-8376 www.hlst.heacademy.ac.uk/johlste
Gündüz, Nazlı .2005. “Computer Assisted Language Learning” (CALL). Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies Vol.1, No.2, October 2005.
March, T. (1998). Why WebQuests? Retrieved September 7, 2003, from http://www.ozline.com/webquests/intro.html
Mohn , Nancy L. ND. The Effectiveness of the WebQuest Model with Gifted Fifth Grade Students: An Action Research Study. Cherokee County Schools : Canton, GA, United States.
Strickland, J. 2005. Using webquests to teach content: Comparing instructional strategies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(2), 138-148.

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

three love's formula

Name : Durratus Sa’diyah
NIM : 2201409087
Rombel : 507-508


Last holiday, my friends and I planned a hang-out time together. We agreed to gather in one of my friend’s house, Ica. Then we would talk about to go somewhere together.
I was the first one who came on my friend’s house. She had waited for me. I was very excited because she had prepared some snacks for us. Because of the others came a little bit late, we decided to watch a movie. We watched “the Proposal” and felt funny about it. Not any longer, my friends, Okky and Hanif came up. We talked and shared about our activities for awhile. After that, we voted to play in somewhere and agreed to go to karaoke club.
It didn’t need any longer to get the cheapest and nearest karaoke club from Ica’s house. We went to Inul Vizta karaoke club. Then, we checked in with our student ID so we could save more money with the discount. It was very interesting in there. We arranged some playlist and started the game, karaoke game indeed. I joined with my partner, Ica, and Hanif joined with Okky as our opponent. We sang the songs in the playlist randomly and got the score machine turned on as our assessor. At first, my team’s score was left behind Hanif and Okky’s but in the end My team won with our highest score 96! We were very happy. We spent two hours in Inul Vizta with a big victory, in my team of course. After we took our picture, especially took our victory picture, we decided to end our singing champion and went out to look for restaurant because of our starvation.
Then, we drove to Angkringan restaurant before that; we had some arguments each others. No wonder. That time, we came to a decision to go to farthest and economic restaurant so we chosen an angkringan one. After we drove for several times, we were very disappointed because our would be- restaurant was closed. After we were blamed to each other, we agreed to get Attack promo in KFC. So we drove to the nearest KFC. It doesn’t need any longer; we got the parker, got out from our car and ready to order. We had seven Attacks to four persons. We were absolutely hungry so we ate very quickly and might be look very greedy. We had conversation each other while we were eating. We talked about everything, our study, our relationship, all about our life. After we finished our lunch, all of sudden my friend, Hanif asked us to cover him up. He made us to do that because he saw our friend’s ex-boy friend that had broken up because of him. We laughed out loud when he said that. I met my friend too in there. That day, we met many friends of us.
On the way homed, we talked about our relationship. My friend, Hanif said something interesting about love formula. He said that if we love someone, we had three criteria about him. They are admiration, comfort, and chemistry. Ica, Okky, and I really thought about it, and it made sense. Several times passed, finally we got in Ica’s home. We met her parents and asked to leave. Then we went to our own home relief.
That was such a beautiful day. We played all day along and enjoyed the times together. I would never forget three love formulas from Hanif who known as a playboy but still he is my friend – the kind one.

The Outline
Theme : the most unforgettable experience
Orientation :
1. who : my friends and I
2. when : last holiday
3. where : in my friend’s house

Events :
1. In my friend’s house
2. In the karaoke club
3. In the restaurant
4. The way home
Re-Orientation: That was such a beautiful day.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

vladimir nabokov, pale fire

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov

adalah seorang pengarang Rusia-Amerika. Awalnya ia menulis dalam bahasa Rusia, namun menjadi terkenal secara internasional atas novel-novel yang dibuatnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Lolita (1955), karya Nabokov, disebut sebagai salah satu novel yang paling penting dari abad 20. Karya-karyanya menampilkan keahlian Nabokov dalam permainan kata dan detil yang deskriptif.
Kemarin nemu bukunya di perpuatakaan, sumpah senang banget tapi bahasa inggris sayangnya... heeeeeee
Minggu ini lagi baca Pale Fire.
Pale Fire (1962) adalah sebuah novel oleh Vladimir Nabokov . Novel ini disajikan sebagai sebuah puisi berjudul "Pale Fire" dengan komentar seorang teman dari penyair itu. Bersama unsur-unsur ini membentuk sebuah narasi di mana kedua penulis karakter sentral Api. Pale telah melahirkan berbagai interpretasi dan tubuh besar kritik tertulis, yang Pekka Tammi diperkirakan pada tahun 1995 sebagai lebih dari 80 studi. [1] Kewenangan Nabokov Brian Boyd telah menyebutnya "yang paling sempurna novel Nabokov". [2] itu berada di peringkat # 53 pada daftar 100 Novel Terbaik Modern Perpustakaan .

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010


satu sentimeter kebahagian

secerah bunga matahri, ayo mengawali hari.